SOGEA Connectivity for business Hello Telecom

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SoGEA – The Future of Broadband 

SoGEA is the future of Ethernet in your School, Business or Home. SoGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access) allows you to get a superfast Internet connection at an attractive price.  SoGEA saves you money as you don’t need a fixed phone line to run your broadband connectivity over. Say Hello to a cheaper, faster and superior broadband connection. 

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Hello SoGEA - Goodbye ISDN Phone Lines

SoGEA is the biggest change in the telecoms industry for over 30 years. Historically, connectivity needed to run over traditional  phone lines. Traditional phone line services are being switched off in 2025. This means that connectivity will no longer be supported by traditional copper telephone lines. The future is data only, Single Order broadband such as SoGEA, or Single Order Generic Ethernet Access. 

More information on the ISDN Shutdown
SoGEA Big Benefits, Small Price 

SoGEA is packed full of benefits that you can’t get with standard broadband packages. SoGEA faults are resolved much quicker since customers only need to provide one support call to their SoGEA provider. SoGEA also enables for easier remote working solutions in your business, school or home.

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Quicker to Order

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Quicker to Install

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Superior Speed

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Availability Tracker

Access to SoGEA technology is widely available across the UK. You can check your SoGEA availability and speeds in your area by pressing the button below. 

Why the change to SoGEA? 
SoGEA was created as Openreach decided to shut down the ISDN and PSTN network by 2025. This means that broadband services that run over a landline will no longer work. 
How do I make calls after the ISDN shut down? 

Traditional ISDN and PSTN phone lines will not exist after 2025. Phone users will have to switch to voice services such as VoIP to make calls.  SoGEA will be the available as the ideal broadband to carry their VoIP service

I can’t get SOGEA yet in my area, what are my other options? 

SoGEA is still being rolled out across the UK so there is a chance it may not be available in your area yet. If you can’t get a SoGEA service we can provide you with alternative connections through Leased Circuits. 

How long does SoGEA take to install? 
Ordering a SoGEA service is quick, SoGEA can be installed within 5 days. If you want to make calls a VoIP phone system can be deployed within a few days depending on your chosen provider. 

SoGEA Pricing – Contact Us

If you would like more information on SoGEA, our Team will be happy to discuss this with you. Pricing varies depending on your requirements. Our team is on hand to give you a quick SoGEA quote. You can call us on 08000 11 64 34 or you can email using the form below. We hope we can help. 

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